Faculty Colloquium Series |
The Colloquia are open to all faculty, staff and students. Refreshments
will be served at 4:00 with talks beginning at 4:15 PM
Speakers with question marks are tentative.
/*session_start(); */
require("./lang/lang." . LANGUAGE_CODE . ".php");
$month = (int) $HTTP_GET_VARS['month'];
$year = (int) $HTTP_GET_VARS['year'];
// set month and year to present if month
// and year not received from query string
$m = (!$month) ? date("n") : $month;
$y = (!$year) ? date("Y") : $year;
$scrollarrows = scrollArrows($m, $y);
$auth = auth();
require("./templates/" . TEMPLATE_NAME . ".php");